30 July ‘14

I installed vagrant on my Ubuntu VM, which I then had to upgrade from 1.0.1 to 1.6.3 (the latest). The Ubuntu maintainers didn’t stock the latest version, so I had to get it from the vagrant website directly. I ran a ‘vagrant up’ after the installation completed and got the following error message:

Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...

This went on for about twenty times after which it terminated indicating error in networking of box. I looked up online and found several ‘fixes’ but none of them worked for me yet. I will exercise my other option and try to run the app on Windows itself tomorrow. I’ve vagrant on Windows already, so it should not be much problematic.


Now read this

3 Aug ‘14

The necessary JS and CSS files were not being loaded. I ran a “ python manage.py findstatic ”. It told me some apps were not installed. django_extensions debug-toolbar South django_tables2 pyscopg2 After installing these, findstatic was... Continue →