30 July ‘14

I installed vagrant on my Ubuntu VM, which I then had to upgrade from 1.0.1 to 1.6.3 (the latest). The Ubuntu maintainers didn’t stock the latest version, so I had to get it from the vagrant website directly. I ran a ‘vagrant up’ after the installation completed and got the following error message:

Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...

This went on for about twenty times after which it terminated indicating error in networking of box. I looked up online and found several ‘fixes’ but none of them worked for me yet. I will exercise my other option and try to run the app on Windows itself tomorrow. I’ve vagrant on Windows already, so it should not be much problematic.


Now read this

21 May ‘14

Sorry about the delay in this blogpost. I’ve been playing around with the streaming system since the last couple of days. Trying to figure out how components connect. My speed is a bit slow at the moment because I am new to Django. I did... Continue →