6 Aug ‘14

For the past couple of days I’ve been resolving issues in deployment of the website. Things I did today:

  1. Fixed DATABASES in production.py.
  2. Created table in database and synced it.
  3. It was giving an error in loading static files. “Unknown command: collectstatic”. I explicitly set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE variable in env.sh to tell it where to find the required settings file.
  4. IP address is incorrect. Shows localhost address. I tried to switch to using django-ipware but it triggered a new series of errors.

Tasks for tomorrow:

  1. Fix IP address
  2. Check saving of bugs in database
  3. Check issues on logging into Admin end.

Now read this

2 Aug, ‘14

Sheila and I setup deployed the website on the backspace VM finally today. It can be accessed here. The JS and CSS files are not getting loaded, that’s an issue I will deal with tomorrow. Here’s some bugs and errors we encountered while... Continue →