31 May ‘14

Whereas pip tells me I have psycopg2 and it’s up-to-date.
Advice from #Django: “just make sure you installed it inside your virtual env or that your virtual env takes the system site packages” for Psycopg2. Okay, linovia on #Django helped me. I had to install psycopg2 AFTER activating the virtual env.

To activate virtualenv: “. bin/activate”;
To deactivate it: “deactivate”

Created a dummy HTML form on new page, trying to fetch data using Django now.


Now read this

Ubuntu on VirtualBox? Pain in the arse

I had Ubuntu on VirtualBox already on my Windows 7, but somehow, never really contemplated using it for any serious work. This was mainly because my perception of Virtual machines went like: They are slow They are really slow They might... Continue →