31 May ‘14

Whereas pip tells me I have psycopg2 and it’s up-to-date.
Advice from #Django: “just make sure you installed it inside your virtual env or that your virtual env takes the system site packages” for Psycopg2. Okay, linovia on #Django helped me. I had to install psycopg2 AFTER activating the virtual env.

To activate virtualenv: “. bin/activate”;
To deactivate it: “deactivate”

Created a dummy HTML form on new page, trying to fetch data using Django now.


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A C++ speed-me-up trick

After a couple of months of wondering how to wrap up this blog, I decided to keep it anyway. I’ll use it for posting random tricks/tutorials whenever I get time. I recently got my toes back into competitive programming, something I hadn’... Continue →