3 Aug ‘14

The necessary JS and CSS files were not being loaded. I ran a
“ python manage.py findstatic ”. It told me some apps were not installed.

After installing these, findstatic was running fine but required files were not listed in directory. I setup my repo as remote and updated the box. I also updated the PROJECT_ROOT in production.py. Now the CSS files load, but JS ones don’t. Weird.

I learnt about the grep and pipes command from Sheila. She also told me how we could write our own bash functions to shorten queries or commands.

Tasks for tomorrow:


Now read this

6 Aug ‘14

For the past couple of days I’ve been resolving issues in deployment of the website. Things I did today: Fixed DATABASES in production.py. Created table in database and synced it. It was giving an error in loading static files. “Unknown... Continue →